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Structural Diet

Dr Bardadyn Structural Diet


Dr. Bardadyn Structural Diet


     Structural Diet recommends natural food products with a maximum content of the most valuable nutrients - vitamins, minerals, antioxidants - and a minimum calorific value. The use of products proposed by Dr. Bardadyn speeds up your metabolism and stimulates the activity of connective tissue responsible for the processes of regeneration and rejuvenation of human body.


     Dr. Bardadyn Diet allows to lose weight very fast, permanent without yo-yo effect, improves the condition of skin and is also strengthening the structure of the body - especially osteoarticular system, muscles and blood vessels. It improves morphology, normalizes blood glucose level, reduces the level of bad LDL cholesterol while increasing good HDL cholesterol. 

Structural Diet effectively stimulates the body's detoxification. Strengthening the structure of the body, elimination of toxins and normalization of body weight provides a sense of lightness, increased energy, lasting improvement of mood and finally reduction of biological age by 10-15 years.


     Among the products recommended in the Structural Diet are carefully selected the most valuable grain products, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, unsaturated fats and sources of the highest quality protein.


     Dr. Bardadyn Diet is great for weight loss, while it is also recommended to prevent and treat chronic diseases including hypertension, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, diabetes, gluten allergy and celiac disease in special gluten-free version, also cancer, depression and chronic fatigue syndrome. Structural Diet is a wholesome diet and its rules are consistent with the current state of medical knowledge.


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